Rosenboom Machine and Tool Testimonial

What was the problem you were hoping to improve by utilizing the MSK Safety Program:

"We were hoping to better manage both work-related injuries/illnesses as well as support general, overall employee health and well-being via on-site, professional health services."

What has been your experience with the on-site MSK wellness consultant:
"She is perceived as both an actively engaged resource for both management as well as the general employee population regarding aches and pains caused by work-related conditions and the condition of aging."

Has this program benefited your employees:
"Wholeheatedly yes"

How has your situation changed:
"Employees actively seek her counsel regarding most any condition. Management refers employees to her for consultation prior to seeking an unknown provider."

What would you tell another employer who is considering our MSK Safety Program:
"If you want to build and improve employee relationships with management, what better way than to provide an outside resource for them to consult with regarding their own personal health and safety; a trusted advisor and extension of Human Resources."

Anything else you would like to add:
"The team have all been invaluable providing expertise and employee-centered care to Rosenboom. They're all just an email, phone call, or text away to answer questions or alternative resources to your employee health and wellness needs."

- Tina Siewert, HR Manager

Click below to view an independent case study conducted by MedBridge

MedBridge Spotlight

Follow link below to view our MSK Safety Webinar

Sedgwick Webinar
Current states where OAC is managing Musculoskeletal Safety Programs